jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017

Creativity, Innovation, and Change (CIC)

Creativity, Innovation and Change

  • The Pennsylvania State University

Resultado de imagen de social entrepreneurship

Resultado de imagen de Failure

CIC Mindset & Innovation Toolbox

1 - Instructions

This exercise is called Failure Resume. This might sound counterintuitive, but it is exactly so because it is completely different from the way we are taught traditionally to draft our resumes, where we usually list only the achievements and successes. With this exercise we invite you to take a different approach – instead of your achievements, built a resume of your failures! We hope that as you complete the activity you will see that failure was your companion during your entire life from the moment when you took your first steps and failed and went back and tried again until you stood on your feet!

Resultado de imagen de FailureResultado de imagen de Tasks of overcoming failure
Review criteria
Use the PURE approach to giving feedback:
Resultado de imagen de FailurePositive: First, highlight the strengths of the submission - what was done well? Give “happy comments” right away, and be considerate and constructive
Resultado de imagen de Failure

Presentations always have a positive side. Everything starts from the game. The contribution and exchange of experiences, and staying in the knowledge of the other, so that ours change course. 
Resultado de imagen de Failure

Unique: Next, comment on interesting and unique aspects of the submission - what did you find interesting about it?

From these European minds, failures are not valued, and so your prospects for positive play induce me to continue this course. Fabulous instructors, who all ages bring the realistic paths of change, professional retraining and the different positive paths of life, with conversation, behind a failure.

Resultado de imagen de Failure
Revision: Third, be a “critical friend” - what suggestions do you have for improvement or revision. The purpose is not so much “to grade” as to interact and suggest.

At a point of irreversible condition, after an error of projection, to be a critical friend to the side, is of vital importance, because the clash of ideas and approaches, produces above all a reduction of roads, towards methods of solving the jam.

Education: Close by reflecting on what you learned and how you were educated from the submission as a feedback provider.

By studying the potential competencies of your professional world, see your values, your strengths, and the spaces of your work that they do not empower. And that brought to day to day within the everyday, if you hit, you will solve with trial error, and a peculiar way of observation, and with instructions from critical friends, you will come to feel safe, in the one or more ways to solve on the way Towards a new project, with a view to help you to advance in a new project, with benefits.
This course, with that kind of not giving importance to the nonsense, with which we solve the daily mishaps, and with the neutral voice of the critical friend, makes us transfer the mechanical pragmatism, the pragmatics and viabilities of our specialties, and skills

2 - Instructions

Resultado de imagen de FailureBuild the tallest free-standing tower you can make entirely of shoes. Also think aesthetically, how beautiful is your shoe tower? How much art can you add to it (shapes, colors, etc.)? No other materials are allowed besides shoes (i.e., no string, tape, glue, etc.). Take a picture, or draw a diagram, or write a description of your tower in words, and submit this together with the reflection assignment for the certificate.
Review criteria
Please consider the following guidelines as you provide feedback on the work of your colleagues:Imagen relacionada
Instructions :
Use the PURE approach to giving feedback:
Positive : First, highlight the strengths of the submission - what was done well? Give “happy comments” right away, and be considerate and constructive

And this is the beginning of a change, after an error or failure. Open paths and perspectives from the knowledge of the other about us and the possibilities that he knows that we could open new approaches
Imagen relacionada
Unique : Next, comment on interesting and unique aspects of the submission - what did you find interesting about it?

The game of contributions and challenges, is very interesting, although they seem banal things, are very indicative, serve as routes, because you only have to exchange objects, ideas or concepts.
Revision : Third, be a “critical friend” - what suggestions do you have for improvement or revision. The purpose is not so much “to grade” as to interact and suggest.

Take your weaknesses, and reinforce them to talk about new projects, and at one point are eliminated, possible mistakes, your friend, who seeks escape approaches to a new project, and strengthen their values, their knowledge, and previous successes, It can not find its way forward.
Education : Close by reflecting on what you learned and how you were educated from the submission as a feedback provider.
And that brought to day to day within the everyday, if you hit, you will solve with trial error, and a peculiar way of observation, and with instructions from critical friends, you will come to feel safe, in the one or more ways to solve on the way Towards a new project, with a view to help you to advance in a new project, with benefits.

Resultado de imagen de Entrepreneurship

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