domingo, 9 de abril de 2017

Excellence/Measuring Your Creative Output

Excellence/Measuring Your Creative Output

Imagen relacionadaExcellence. Deliberate Practice. One of the hard parts of creating a successful venture is doing the hard work that will get you to the finish line. Pick one area of yours that is already a strength. Write down one or two sentences about why you think it is a strength. Then write down what “deliberate practice” you can do to make it even better, and how you can show someone “it is better”. If you are a math whiz, learn a new math topic. If you are a runner, do sprints to improve your time in a 5k run. Make a checklist for 7 days, in big letters, and place it on a wall or refrigerator that you see often. Check off each day that you spend 1 hour on deliberate practice. Submit a scan of the checklist, showing at least 5 days of deliberate practice for 1 hour.

Resultado de imagen de banquete pintura



March 2017
Week from day 8 to day 14

8. to cook a dish represented in the history of art.

It is never good to eat alone. Cook seven days for friends, some dish that has been painted in the history of art

Resultado de imagen de comer en la pintura

9 .Legumes is a very complete dish, it provides great amount of minerals for our body, that strengthen the mind

Resultado de imagen de comer solo en la pintura
10. Family dinner time: fried eggs that makes the children happy, they are very easy, and while you eat you tell a story

Resultado de imagen de comer huevos fritos en la pintura

Good Sunday morning to have a picnic with friends, in the country. Petit dejeuneur with fresh fruit, pastries, tea, wine, cheese and olives. Lot of fresh air

Resultado de imagen de picnic en el campo la pintura

A working meal. There are important executives and politicians, and I spend more than three hours cooking more delicately.
Peace enter through the eyes, and business is won, like marriages through the stomach.

13 Private party on request. At the home of some cultural entrepreneurs, we have organized a tasting to libar, speak and love.


Another business meal, with little vegetarian friends, long time working. E a formal dinner, to conclude a gastronomy business.

15 A friend has come to prepare me breakfast, after an intentional week of culinary preparations

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